C++ Language Notes
Just click on the below highlighted topics, to read the complete notes.
1. Overview of OOPs
- What is object-oriented programming (OOP) system?
- Features of object-oriented programming
- Difference between C and C++.
- Scope resolution operator
- Memory management operator
- What is manipulator?
- Default arguments with example.
- Dynamic initialization of variable.
- Explain ‘this’ pointer with example
2. Basic Concepts Of OOPs
- What is class?
- What is object?
- What is Encapsulation?
- What is data abstraction?
- What does polymorphism mean in C++ language?
- What is inheritance? How does it enable reusability?
- What is inheritance? How does it enable reusability?
- Difference between class and object.
3. Cout and Cin
- What is cin and cout?
- Explain insertion and extraction operator. or
Explain input and output operator.
4.Reference Variable
- Explain reference variables.
- Explain call by reference.
- Deference between call by value and call by deference.
5. Inline function and Static function
- Explain inline function.
- Situations where inline expansion may not work.
- Explain static data member with the characteristic of it.
- Explain the static member functions with the characteristics of it.
6. Function Overloading
- Explain function overloading.
- Write the steps of function selection in the function overloading? OrList out the features of function overloading
7. private ,public and protected
- What is Private, public and protected? Or explain access specifiers.
- Difference between private and public access specifier.
8. Friend Function
- Explain friend function.
- List the operators that a friend cannot be used?
- Difference between member function and friend function.
9. Nested Class
What is Nested Class
10.Object as an Argument and Return Object
11. Namespace
- What is namespace
- Nested namespace
- Unname namespace
- Mutable data member
- set_new_handler
12.Constructor and Destructor
- What is Constructor?
- Characteristics of the constructor
- What is Destructor?
- Characteristics Of Destructor
- Copy Constructor
- Parametrized constructor
- Dynamic Constructor
- Constructor with default constructor
- Difference between constructor and destructor
- Difference between constructor and member function
13. Static data member
- Characteristics of static data
- Characteristics of static member function
14. Inheritance
- What is Inheritance
- Different forms of inheritance
- What is Diamond shape problem
- Hybrid inheritance
- What is Containership
- Protected mode