C Language Notes
Just click on the below highlighted topics, to read the complete notes.
C Language Introduction
- Features of high level language
- Difference between Low-Level & High-Level Language
- What is Machine level language?
- Limitations of low level language or machine level language
- Difference between Machine-Level & Assembly Language
- What is Compiler
- What is Interpreter
- Differences between compiler and interpreter
Algorithm and Flowchart
- What is Logic
- What is Algorithm
- What is Flowchart
- Advantages of Flowchart
- Drawback of flowchart
Structure of C program
- Six main sections to a basic c program.
- Comment
- What is Token?
- Six types of token
- Keywords (eg: int, while),
- Identifiers (eg: main, total),
- Constants (eg: 10, 20),
- Strings (eg: “total”, “hello”),
- Character set (eg: A-Z,a-z),
- Operators (eg: +, /,-,*)
Data types
- Three types of data types
- Primary data type
- Derived data type
- User defined data type
- Variable
- Explain different types of storage classes
- Three types of data types
- arithmetic operators
- Relational operator
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Increment or Decrement Operators
- Conditional or Ternary operator
- Bitwise Operators
- Special Operators
printf() and scanf() function
- Explain printf() function
- Explain scanf() function
- if…else statement
- If statement
- If…else statement
- If…else ladder
- Nested if…else
- Switch case
- While loop
- For loop
- Do..while loop
Break and Continue
- Break statement
- Continue statement
- What is array?
- Three types of array
- single dimensional array
- two dimensional array
- multi dimensional array
User-defined function
- What is function? When it is used?
- Advantages of function
- Elements of function
- What is Recursion?
- Nested function.
- Difference between actual arguments and formal arguments.
- Difference between function prototype and function definition.
- Difference between call by value and call by deference.
- What is pointer?
- Advantages of pointer.
- Difference between .operator and->operator.
- Access character array using pointer.
- How can we pass a pointer as an argument to a function?
- What is the use of & operator and * operator
File management
- Explain fopen().
- Explain fclose().
- Explain mode of file.
- Explain input output operation on file
- Error handling during I/O operation
- Explain Ftell():
- Explain Rewind()
- Explain Fseek()
- Explain Append():
Link list
- What is dynamic memory allocation.
- Explain the malloc()
- Explain the calloc()
- Explain the free()
- Explain the use of realloc()
- What is link list?
- Advantages and disadvantages of link list.
- Types of link list.
- Operations performed on linked list
- What is preprocessor?
- Categories of the preprocessor directive.
- Simple macro substitution
- Argument macro substitution
- Nested macro substitution